Monday 18 August 2008

Talking About Our Subect (Home Work)

Today our teacher has given us some questions related to our subject:

*Can you explain one KEY CONCEPT from your subject?

I would like to describe the concept ‘collective bargaining’ as it’s the matter of trade union. When an organization decide to approve any new law or any new changes which is related to the employee then most of the time the organization arrange a meeting between the employer and employee (union leader) to approve this and that’s call collective bargaining.

*Are there any NOTIONS from your subject that are quite controversial or have caused disagreement and debate among academics?

There is a controversial matter between Hard and soft form of HRM. 'Hard' HRM focuses on the resource side of human resources. In hard HRM refers to manage numbers effectively, keeping the workforce closely matched with requirements in terms of both bodies and behaviour. On the other hand 'Soft' HRM refers stresses the 'human' aspects of HRM. Its concerns are with communication and motivation. People are led rather than managed here.

*How has your subject changed your STANCE on certain issues or your VIEWPOINT on life? (Think of two ways).

After giving more emphasis on HRM I am now used to think from both side (employer and employee), it has enriched my idea about that particular area.

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